A Magical Season
This expansive light show programmed to energetic original music, is created by light in interplay with 15 Celtic Knot mirrored panels and almost 30 moving lights.
Artist | Christopher Wren
Christopher Wren has been creating and designing experiences for over two decades. His work includes dance, theater, concerts, and corporate production design in addition to his work with interactive light art installations. In 2010, he formed Keylight, Inc., a company dedicated to creating exceptional events for global audiences.
Christopher leverages his unique background in both conceptual design and technical management towards building bold, inspiring experiences with a consistent focus on a precise methodology in execution.
Significant production and lighting design projects include:
Illumination (2016-2020), Chicago Ideas Week (2014-2018), Ravinia Festival (2013-2017), Chi-town Rising (2016-2017), corporate events, and private parties featuring talent such as Sara Bareilles, John Legend, Leon Bridges, FUN, Stevie Wonder, Train and others.
Dark Mode